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>   Case History
R v Rajeshkumar Mehta

R v Rajeshkumar Mehta

Successfully overturned conviction involving a sexual allegation.

Eleanor Laws KC successfully appealed a conviction in a case involving a sexual allegation made against Dr Rajeshkumar Mehta.  Eleanor did not conduct the trial but took over after the conviction and raised several points on appeal. Leave to appeal was initially refused but Eleanor renewed her application and successfully challenged Dr Mehta’s conviction. Dr Mehta’s conviction was overturned and no re-trial was ordered.

The case is reported at :
R v Rajeshkumar Mehta [2019] EWCA Crim 2332.

Please see here for more information.  

Eleanor Laws KC was instructed by Nigel Richardson of Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors.

The matter has received considerable press coverage; please see The Times, BBC and the Birmingham Mail